
Build Your Custom Visuals in Power BI (Step-by-Step)

In this blog post, I show you how to create your own custom visuals in Power BI.
You can easily create your own visuals and put them together with the existing visuals in your report. You can also submit your visual into Office Store (Seller Dashboard) for publishing.

Note : I described about custom visuals in the previous post “How to create Power BI custom visuals (Japanese)“, but the new development tool (the following command-line tool) is released and generally available.
From now on, please use this new tool.

Setup your dev env

For custom visual development, all you have to provision (install) is as follows. Nothing else is needed ! (In this post, we run and setup on Windows.)

  • PC (Windows), Mac OS, or Linux
  • Node.js
  • openssl (You don’t need openssl in Windows 8 or above, since Powershell is used instead.)
  • Power BI service account (free)

Before development, you must install the Power BI visual tool (command-line tool) which is used for all development tasks.

npm install -g powerbi-visuals-tools

As I show you later, your web browser connects to your local server (https://localhost:8080/) within Power BI service (https://app.powerbi.com/) for debugging your custom visuals. To enable this debugging, you should generate and install a local server certificate for SSL by running the following command.
By running this command, import the current user certificate (a generated certificate) into “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” store.

pbiviz --install-cert

Note : If this command fails for some reason, generate and install a certificate manually.
For instance, when you’re running on Windows 10, run the following command in Powershell to generate a self-signed certificate.

$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate `
  -DnsName localhost `
  -HashAlgorithm sha256 `
  -Type Custom `
  -Subject localhost `
  -KeyAlgorithm RSA `
  -KeyLength 2048 `
  -KeyExportPolicy Exportable `
  -CertStoreLocation Cert:\\CurrentUser\\My `
  -NotAfter (get-date).AddDays(180)
$thumbprint = $cert.Thumbprint.toString()
$certname = 'Cert:\\CurrentUser\\My\\' + $thumbprint
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $certname `
  -FilePath $env:appdata\npm\node_modules\powerbi-visuals-tools\certs\PowerBICustomVisualTest_public.pfx `
  -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'P@ssw0rd' -Force -AsPlainText)

Double-click a generated pfx (in %appdata%\npm\node_modules\powerbi-visuals-tools\certs), and then import this cert into “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” store.
Finally replace “pfx” value into your cert file’s relative path name (“certs/PowerBICustomVisualTest_public.pfx” in above) and “passphrase” value into cert’s password (“P@ssw0rd” in above) in %appdata%\npm\node_modules\powerbi-visuals-tools\config.json file.

Create New Project

Next, you create the new custom visual project using “pbiviz” command previously installed.
Here we create the project named “MyTestVisual” as follows.

pbiviz new myTestVisual
cd myTestVisual
npm install

The folder “myTestVisual” is created, and all the project files are located in this folder.
You can change these source code as you like.

Anyway, Run and Test !

The source code is written by the typescript.
Please see the source code of src/visual.ts in your project folder. This is the main logic of your custom visuals, and it’s just displaying the simple text as follows. (When the “update” method is called for re-drawing, the “updateCount” is incremented each time.)

module powerbi.extensibility.visual {
  export class Visual implements IVisual {
    private target: HTMLElement;
    private updateCount: number;

    constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
      console.log('Visual constructor', options);
      this.target = options.element;
      this.updateCount = 0;

    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
      console.log('Visual update', options);
      this.target.innerHTML = '<p>Update count: <em>${(this.updateCount++)}</em></p>';

    public destroy(): void {
      //TODO: Perform any cleanup tasks here

Now let’s look at this sample in your Power BI !
Move to the visual project folder (which contains pbiviz.json), and please type the following command.
This launches the http server (https://localhost:8080/), and starts (hosts) this visual in this server.

pbiviz start

Open and login to Power BI service (https://app.powerbi.com). Then select [Settings] menu like the following screenshot.

When the setting page is displayed, select [Enable developer visual for testing].

This enables developer visual in your visual pane. After you enable this, you can see the following icon (Developer Visual icon) in the visual pane on Power BI service.

When you insert this visual into your page, the local visual (which is hosted in https://localhost:8080/) is displayed like the following screenshot.
If you resize this visual, you can see that the count is incremented by re-drawing.

Note : If you see the error like the following screenshot, the server certificate (SSL certificate) is not installed in your client machine. See above to install a server certificate.

The “pbiviz” (Visual Builder) is having the built-in file watcher. If you change your source code, it detects your changes and the source code is compiled (re-built) soon. (You can check the work in Power BI service immediately.)

Build your own visuals !

Super, Super, Basic

Now let’s see the data structure of Power BI visuals inside.

In our example, we use the following data and then import the source data with this table into Power BI service.
(Here I created this table in Azure SQL Database, imported into Power BI Desktop, and published into my Power BI service.)

ItemName Year Country Cost
Mouse 2014 Japan 25
Power Unit 2015 Japan 30
Accesory 2016 Japan 18
Cable 2015 North America 14
Mouse 2016 North America 30
Phone 2016 China 100

As I described above, the main class of your custom visual is in src/visual.ts and this class implements IVisual interface.
The important methods of your visual class (IVisual) is the constructor and “update” method. You must setup your visual in your constructor, and draw your visual in the “update” method.

The argument “options” is passed in “update” method, and options.dataViews includes all the data for your visualization. (You can take multiple dataViews, but, in this blog post, we assume a single dataView. Then we always refer as options.dataViews[0].)
The dataView is including the 5 properties of “metadata“, “categorical“, “matrix“, “table“, and “tree“. I’ll explain each of these in this section.

First, the “metadata” is including the meta information like “what properties are included”, “which type does the property have”, “what option is selected” (I’ll explain later for options) and so on.
Let’s change your code (src/visual.ts) as follows and start debugging (run “pbiviz start“).

export class Visual implements IVisual {
  private target: HTMLElement;

  constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
    var captionArea = document.createElement("div");
    captionArea.innerHTML = "This is test chart";
    this.target = document.createElement("div");

  public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    this.target.innerHTML =

  public destroy(): void {
    //TODO: Perform any cleanup tasks here

When you insert data field (ItemName, Year, Country, Cost) into “Categorical Data” or “Measure Data” in your visual, you will see output like the following screenshot. (You can see the json raw string of options.dataViews[0].metadata.columns as a plain text.)

The other properties (“categorical“, “matrix“, “table“, and “tree“) are all including data itself. These data has same values (in this case, the above 6 rows of data), but its representation is different each other.
In this post, I show you the example of “categorical” and “table” (which is frequently used) as follows.

When we assume above 6 rows of data, the “categorical” property includes the following representation of data. (As I’ll describe later, this expression depends on the capabilities definition. This is one of these examples.)

  "categories": [
        "displayName": "Country"
        "North America",
        "North America",
        "displayName": "Year"
        "displayName": "Cost"

On contrary, the “table” property represents as follows for same data.

    {"displayName": "Year"},
    {"displayName": "Country"},
    {"displayName": "Cost"}
    [2014, "Japan", 25],
    [2015, "Japan", 30],
    [2016, "Japan", 18],
    [2015, "North America", 14],
    [2016, "North America", 30],
    [2016, "China", 100]

If you want to see these raw data (“metadata“, “categorical“, “matrix“, “table“, and “tree“) in development-time, you can use the following button in the Developer Visual. (When you click the following “Show Dataview” button, you can see raw json data in developer visual as follows.)

dataRoles and dataViewMappings

Actually, the previous data representation is determined by your definition called “capabilities”.
Open the capabilities.json in your project root folder, and please update this json as follows. (The property “kind” indicates that “0” is “grouping data” and “1” is “measuring data”.)

  "dataRoles": [
      "displayName": "Summarize Category",
      "name": "myCategory",
      "kind": "Grouping"
      "displayName": "Measure Data",
      "name": "myMeasure",
      "kind": "Measure"
  "dataViewMappings": [
      "categorical": {
        "categories": {
          "for": {
            "in": "myCategory"
          "dataReductionAlgorithm": {
            "top": {}
        "values": {
          "select": [
              "bind": {
                "to": "myMeasure"

If you insert this visual in your page, you can see the visual pane like the following screenshot. As you can see, the defined dataRoles (in this case, “Summarize Category” and “Measure Data”) in above is shown in the visual pane.

Please drag the following “Country” and “Cost” from the data source.

Then you can get the following json as options.dataViews[0].categorical in the “update” method. (Note that options.dataViews[0].categorical doesn’t return the following string, but you can retrieve using each elements, such as, options.dataViews[0].categorical.categories and options.dataViews[0].categorical.values.)
As you can see, the following data is summarized by “Country“.

  "categories": [
      "source": {
        "roles": {
          "myCategory": true
        "displayName": "Country",
        "index": 0,
      "values": [
        "North America"
      "identity": [...],
      "identityFields": [...]
  "values": [
      "source": {
        "roles": {
          "myMeasure": true
        "displayName": "Cost",
        "index": 1,
        "isMeasure": true,
      "values": [
      "minLocal": 44,
      "maxLocal": 100

Next example shows how you can use “group by” in your capabilities.json.

  "dataRoles": [
      "displayName": "Summarize Category",
      "name": "myCategory",
      "kind": "Grouping"
      "displayName": "Measure Data",
      "name": "myMeasure",
      "kind": "Measure"
      "displayName": "Grouping",
      "name": "myGroup",
      "kind": "Grouping"
  "dataViewMappings": [
      "categorical": {
        "categories": {
          "for": {
            "in": "myCategory"
          "dataReductionAlgorithm": {
            "top": {}
        "values": {
          "group": {
            "by": "myGroup",
            "select": [
                "for": {
                  "in": "myMeasure"

If you insert this visual in your page, you can see the visual pane like the following screenshot. Here we can see “Grouping” area in the visual pane.

If you select “Year” as grouping data, you can see the following dataView result as the categorical data.
As you can see, the result data is expressed as “Cost” data of 2 dimensions of categories (“Country” and “Year“).

  "categories": [
      "source": {
        "roles": {
          "myCategory": true
        "displayName": "Country",
        "index": 0,
      "values": [
        "North America"
      "identity": [...],
      "identityFields": [...]
  "values": [
      "source": {
        "roles": {
          "myMeasure": true
        "displayName": "Cost",
        "index": 1,
        "isMeasure": true,
        "groupName": 2014,
      "values": [
        { },
        { }
      "identity": {...}
      "source": {
        "roles": {
          "myMeasure": true
        "displayName": "Cost",
        "index": 1,
        "isMeasure": true,
        "groupName": 2015,
      "values": [
        { },
      "identity": {...}
      "source": {
        "roles": {
          "myMeasure": true
        "displayName": "Cost",
        "index": 1,
        "isMeasure": true,
        "groupName": 2016,
      "values": [
      "identity": {...}

If you want to get data as “table” (not “categorical“), you should write as follows in the capabilities.json.

  "dataRoles": [
      "displayName": "Summarize Category",
      "name": "myCategory",
      "kind": "Grouping"
      "displayName": "Measure Data",
      "name": "myMeasure",
      "kind": "Measure"
  "dataViewMappings": [
      "table": {
        "rows": {
          "select": [
            { "for": { "in": "myCategory" } },
            { "for": { "in": "myMeasure" } }

If you select “Country” and “Cost” as input data, you can get the following data in options.dataViews[0].table. (Note that options.dataViews[0].table doesn’t return the following string, but you can retrieve each element like options.dataViews[0].table.columns, options.dataViews[0].table.rows, and so on.)

  "columns": [
      "roles": {
        "myCategory": true
      "displayName": "Country",
      "index": 0,
      "roles": {
        "myMeasure": true
      "displayName": "Cost",
      "index": 1,
      "isMeasure": true,
  "rows": [
      "North America",
  "identity": [...],
  "identityFields": [...]

From now, my following descriptions use this table format of data.

See document in GitHub repo for details about dataRoles and DataViewMappings.

PowerBI-visuals : DataViewMappings

Custom Visual Properties

As you saw before, you can specify data roles using dataRoles definition and data structure with dataViewMappings definition in capabilities.json.
With capabilities.json, you can also add other custom properties in your visuals.

First, you define your custom object using “objects” and custom property using “properties” in capabilities.json as follows.

  "dataRoles": [
  "dataViewMappings": [
  "objects": {
    "myCustomObj": {
      "displayName": "Test Object",
      "properties": {
        "myprop": {
          "displayName": "Test Property",
          "type": { "bool": true }

After you modify capabilities.json, you must implement “enumerateObjectInstances” method in your visual class (src/visual.ts). In this method, the property value is populated by the variable (in this case, “this.myVisualProp“).
If the user changes this bool value, update() method will be called and the output is changed. Your code should save this value into the variable (this.myVisualProp) and do the appropriate task in update() method. (The following example is just showing the value in the visual UI.)

export class Visual implements IVisual {
  private target: HTMLElement;
  private myVisualProp: boolean;

  constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
    var captionArea = document.createElement("div");
    captionArea.innerHTML = "This is test chart";
    this.target = document.createElement("div");

    this.myVisualProp = false;

  public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    // This example just shows the selected property in visual.
    this.myVisualProp = options.dataViews[0].metadata.objects["myCustomObj"]["myprop"] as boolean;
    this.target.innerHTML =
      "Custom Prop is " + this.myVisualProp;

  public enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstance[] | VisualObjectInstanceEnumerationObject {
    let objectName = options.objectName;
    let objectEnumeration: VisualObjectInstance[] = [];

    switch (objectName) {
      case 'myCustomObj':
          objectName: objectName,
          properties: {
            myprop: this.myVisualProp,
          selector: null

    return objectEnumeration;

  public destroy(): void {
    //TODO: Perform any cleanup tasks here

The result looks like as follows.

In this example we’ve created the simple bool property, but you can also use other types of properties including the color pallet like the following screenshot.

In this section I’ve just explained a simple custom property, but you can also support other advanced capabilities like “highlighting”. (The highlighting enables selected value highlighted and causes all other visuals on the page, as the built-in visual does. For the highlighting capabilities, see “PowerBI-visuals : Highlighting” for details.)

Visualize your data !

After you have determined the data format using dataViewMappings, now you can start to build your own visuals.

As I mentioned above, we use the previous table format in dataViewMappings here.
In this case, options.dataViews[0].table.columns returns in your visual as follows :

    "roles": {"myCategory": true},
    "displayName": "Country",
    "roles": {"myMeasure": true},
    "displayName": "Cost",

And options.dataViews[0].table.rows returns :

  ["China", 100],
  ["Japan", 73],
  ["North America", 44]

Now we start to draw our visual using d3 !

You can use your favorite external libraries for visualization (see “PowerBI-visuals – Adding External Libraries“), however, fortunately both d3.js and its type definition (@types/d3) for typescripts are already included in a project template by default.
Thus you don’t need to install anything else ! (Now it’s ready.)

You can implement your custom visuals (src/visual.ts) as follows using d3.js.

Notice that here we’re assuming the fixed label (“Country” for “Summarize Category”, “Cost” for “Measure Data”) for simplifying our source code in order to make you understand clearly. However, you should extract these values (user’s settings) from metadata (or column definitions) in real production.
You cannot also change the fill-in color, background color, so on and so forth in this sample visual, but you might also retrieve these values from metadata in production.

import DataViewTableRow = powerbi.DataViewTableRow;

import * as d3 from "d3";
type Selection<T extends d3.BaseType> = d3.Selection<T, any,any, any>;

export interface TestItem {
  Country: string;
  Cost: number;

export class Visual implements IVisual {
  private svg: Selection<SVGElement>;
  private g: Selection<SVGElement>;
  private margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 200, left: 70 };

  constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
    // append svg graphics
    this.svg = d3.select(options.element).append('svg');
    this.g = this.svg.append('g');

  public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
    // "this" scope will change in the nested function
    var _this = this;

    _this.svg.attr("width", options.viewport.width);
    _this.svg.attr("height", options.viewport.height);
    var gHeight = options.viewport.height
      - _this.margin.top
      - _this.margin.bottom;
    var gWidth = options.viewport.width
      - _this.margin.right
      - _this.margin.left;
    _this.g.attr("width", gWidth);
    _this.g.attr("height", gHeight);
      'translate(' + _this.margin.left + ',' + _this.margin.top + ')');

    // convert data format
    var dat =

    // setup d3 scale
    //var xScale = d3.scaleOrdinal()
    //  .domain(dat.map(function (d) { return d.Country; }));
    //  .rangeRoundBands([0, gWidth], 0.1);
    var xScale = d3.scaleBand()
      .domain(dat.map(function (d) { return d.Country; }))
      .rangeRound([0, gWidth])
    var yMax =
      d3.max(dat, function (d) { return d.Cost + 10 });
    var yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
      .domain([0, yMax])
      .range([gHeight, 0]);

    // remove exsisting axis and bar

    // draw x axis
    var xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);
      .attr('class', 'x axis')
      .style('fill', 'black') // you can get from metadata
      .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (gHeight - 1) + ')')
      .selectAll('text') // rotate text
      .style('text-anchor', 'end')
      .attr('dx', '-.8em')
      .attr('dy', '-.6em')
      .attr('transform', 'rotate(-90)');

    // draw y axis
    var yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale);
      .attr('class', 'y axis')
      .style('fill', 'black') // you can get from metadata

    // draw bar
    var shapes = _this.g

      .attr('class', 'bar')
      .attr('fill', 'green')
      .attr('stroke', 'black')
      .attr('x', function (d) {
        return xScale(d.Country);
      .attr('width', xScale.bandwidth())
      .attr('y', function (d) {
        return yScale(d.Cost);
      .attr('height', function (d) {
        return gHeight - yScale(d.Cost);


  public destroy(): void {
    //TODO: Perform any cleanup tasks here

  // convert data as following
  //  "Japan",
  //  100
  //  "America",
  //  300
  // -->
  // [{"Country" : "Japan",   "Cost" : 100},
  //  {"Country" : "America", "Cost" : 300},
  // ...]
  public static converter(rows: DataViewTableRow[]): TestItem[] {
    var resultData: TestItem[] = [];

    for (var i = 0;
      i < rows.length;
      i++) {
      var row = rows[i];
        Country: row[0] as string,
        Cost: row[1] as number

    return resultData;

When you insert this visual in your report, you can see your visual as follows.

Packaging and Distributions

The programming has done.
Now you write your package information (author name, e-mail, supportUrl, and descriptions) in pbiviz.json and create your distributable package using the following command.
After the command has completed, the package file is created as dist/{your project name}.pbiviz. (This .pbiviz file is the zip file, and you can extract and see the resource in this package.)

pbiviz package

After you have created your package (.pbiviz), you can import this package by selecting […] – [import a custom visual] (see the following screenshot) in the visual pane of Power BI Desktop or Power BI services.


With Real-time, Embedded, and more …

You can use your custom visuals in Power BI Embedded. That is, you can include your own custom visuals into your PowerBI integrated applications. (But, note that the PowerPoint export is not supported in custom visuals …)

This custom visual can also be updated by real-time in your Power BI dashboard. (For example, pin to the dashboard, and push the rows into the dataset using rest api.)


If you have completed, you can share your visuals in the Power BI community (see below), and everybody can download your custom visuals. You can also check these useful visuals as your development examples.

Power BI : Visual Gallery

Please refer the following useful document for details.

PowerBI-visuals : Developer’s documents


Update history :

03/27/2020  Updated all source code for the latest Power BI Visual Tools (pbiviz) version 3.1 and its template (Also use d3 version 5.x)


Categories: Uncategorized

Tagged as:

26 replies »

  1. This is one of the more useful tutorials I have found as most seem to relate to the online tools.
    The only bit which confused me was the section “Super, Super Basic”, the second screenshot confused me until i realised that I needed to link the visualisation to some data to view the meta.
    Good but could use reorganising a bit 🙂


  2. I want to render my own js chart library to Power BI,
    I understand that d3.js is also getting reffered in the .ts file,
    But what if I want to render everything from my personal library js file keeping in context the life cycle of power bi visuals(init, update, destroy)


  3. At the step to install d3 from DT source, I am getting this error about –global switch

    >typings install d3 –source dt –global

    Error Message :
    typings ERR! message Attempted to compile “d3” as a global module, but it looks like an external module. You’ll need to remove the global option to continue.

    The [node_modules] folder never gets created.
    If I remove the –global switch and run the command

    >typings install d3 –source dt

    [modules] folder gets created under [typings] folder and there is error in the file [typings] –> [modules] –>[d]–> index.d.ts file with error message –
    Export declarations may only appear at the top level of a module


    • Thank you for your feedback.
      What you’re saying is right, because new version of d3 definition is released. This version is compatible for the new version of typescript 2.0, but pbiviz is still using typescript 1.8 and error occurs.
      For the time being, please use the definition commit# 7d3a939fbe55576fad2e074d007f7cc671aa0e78 which is compatible for typescript 1.8.x.
      I added this description in my post. (Thanks again)


      • hi ,i cannot understand your description,can you tell me how to solve this error ?and how to use the definition commit# 7d3a939fbe55576fad2e074d007f7cc671aa0e78 which is compatible for typescript 1.8.x?


      • npm install -g typings
        typings install d3=github:DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/d3/d3.d.ts#7d3a939fbe55576fad2e074d007f7cc671aa0e78 –source dt –global

        after this a new error appeared :
        step: pbiviz start
        error message:
        info Building visual…
        error TYPESCRIPT /src/visual.ts : (34,22) Cannot find namespace ‘d3’.
        error TYPESCRIPT /src/visual.ts : (35,20) Cannot find namespace ‘d3’.
        error TYPESCRIPT /src/visual.ts : (68,34) Argument of type ‘DataViewTableRow[
        ]’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘DataViewTableRow’.
        Types of property ‘push’ are incompatible.
        Type ‘(…items: DataViewTableRow[]) => number’ is not assignable to type ‘(
        …items: PrimitiveValue[]) => number’.
        Types of parameters ‘items’ and ‘items’ are incompatible.
        Type ‘PrimitiveValue’ is not assignable to type ‘DataViewTableRow’.
        Type ‘string’ is not assignable to type ‘DataViewTableRow’.
        error TYPESCRIPT /src/visual.ts : (75,53) Property ‘Cost’ does not exist on t
        ype ‘{}’.
        error TYPESCRIPT C:/Program Files/nodejs/project/bxChart/typings/globals/d3/i
        ndex.d.ts : (746,22) Interface ‘_Selection’ incorrectly extends interface ‘an
        Types of property ‘sort’ are incompatible.
        Type ‘(comparator?: (a: T, b: T) => number) => _Selection’ is not assigna
        ble to type ‘(compareFn?: (a: any, b: any) => number) => this’.
        Type ‘_Selection’ is not assignable to type ‘this’.


      • Hello

        please tell me
        When you install d3
        It is said to be “No dependencies”
        Running the package
        Error is output
        At Promise (username AppData Roaming npm node_modules powerbi-visuals-tools lib VisualPackage.js: 67: 35)
        At Function.loadVisualPackage (username AppData Roaming npm node_modules powerbi-visuals-tools lib VisualPackage.js: 62: 16)
        At Object. (username AppData Roaming npm node_modules powerbi-visuals-tools bin pbiviz-start.js: 43: 15)
        At Module._ compile (module.js: 571: 32)
        At Object.Module._extensions .. js (module.js: 580: 10)
        At Module.load (module.js: 488: 32)
        At tryModuleLoad (module.js: 447: 12)
        At Function.Module._load (module.js: 439: 3)
        At Module.runMain (module.js: 605: 10)
        At run (bootstrap_node.js: 423: 7)

        How can I move without error?


    • hi ,i get a Error Message same to you,
      Error Message :
      typings ERR! message Attempted to compile “d3” as a global module, but it looks like an external module. You’ll need to remove the global option to continue.

      can you tell me how to solve this error ?and how to use the definition commit# 7d3a939fbe55576fad2e074d007f7cc671aa0e78 which is compatible for typescript 1.8.x?


  4. Thank you for sharing this. This is really helpful. As I can see the heatmap you have created above. I would really appreciate if you would share me how you have done so.


  5. It’s so wonderful, and actually it’s the only useful tutorial about programming Power BI custom visual I found on Internet.

    Thank you, Tsuyoshi.


  6. Thanks a lot, This is the most useful guidance that I have even seen about PowerBi custom visual.
    Could you please help how to config capabilities.json if I would like to get the raw input data such as
    {“displayName”: “Year”},
    {“displayName”: “Country”},
    {“displayName”: “Cost”}
    [2014, “Japan”, 25],
    [2015, “Japan”, 30],
    [2016, “Japan”, 18],
    [2015, “North America”, 14],
    [2016, “North America”, 30],
    [2016, “China”, 100]


  7. Thank you very much, this tutorial was very helpful!

    To make the final barchart work I had to make a few changes to the ‘converter’ method:

    public static converter(rows: DataViewTableRow[]): TestItem[] {
    var resultData: TestItem[] = [];

    for (var i = 0;
    i < rows.length;
    i++) {
    var row = rows[i];
    Country: String(row[0]),
    Cost: +row[1]

    return resultData;

    I am not sure, why I had to change it, maybe it is because I use api v.1.5.0 instead of v.1.1.0.


  8. This didn’t work until I also ran:
    npm install powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils –save

    pbiviz start


  9. Hi, Thanks for the tutorial. I have one problem. I get an error message with this line of code:
    this.myVisualProp = options.dataViews[0].metadata.objects[“myCustomObj”][“myprop”];
    Error: Type ‘DataViewPropertyValue’ is not assignable to type boolean
    Type ‘string’ is not assignable to type boolean.
    (property) powerbi.extensiblity.visial.Visual.myVisualProp: boolean

    Am I missing a config setting or a reference, or is this old version API issues?



    • Found a soution, i used a cast in that line of code as follows:
      //working code
      this.myVisualProp = options.dataViews[0].metadata.objects[“myCustomObj”][“myprop”];

      //error code:
      this.myVisualProp = options.dataViews[0].metadata.objects[“myCustomObj”][“myprop”];


      • this.myVisualProp = options.dataViews[0].metadata.objects[“myCustomObj”][“myprop”] as boolean;

        Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sorry for my no response. I updated my post to meet the latest bits.
      Yes, it returns as object (DataViewPropertyValue) type in current bits, then we should explicitly cast to boolean type. (Otherwise, it will be converted to string value.)
      Thank you for your all feedbacks !


  10. Nice tutorial. I’m facing an issue. The visual doesn’t the show contents until I alter “myCustomObj”. I want all contents to be displayed before doing any changes in the format pane.


  11. Hello,

    Can you please share a sample adding a tooltip page to a custom visual?
    Thank you


  12. I updated all source code in this post to meet the latest bits (pbiviz 3.1).
    Now you don’t need to install/setup d3 and its typing by yourself. (These are all included in project template by default.)
    d3 version is also upgraded (3.x -> 5.x) and compatible with latest typescripts (1.x -> 3.x).
    Thanks for a lot of feedbacks !


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